Tuesday, June 07, 2005


I feel like I spend so much time fixing other peoples mistakes--wrong VIN number on new car for insurance--the state calls and says you are not insured you muct come in and prove X and Y. He we just reshipped the order you returned. Why? I dream about stress free and hassel free. When I am not sitting on those press 1 if you want X press 2 for X press 3 for Y and none of them meet what you want. Okay feeling like a little release. Going to feed the duck and chickens, while I am on the phone to confirm that we now do have car insurance. Then I have to run to the post to pick up the certified mail. Who has time for this. Lucky I work late today.

1 comment:

. : A : . said...

Yes, sometimes things are complicated like this. Other times, are simple. Hang in there for the simple times.
